The workshop was organised by the National Trust’s Trees Advisor for the southeast Tom Hill. A group of leading conservation arborists and consultants operating in the southeast, as well as National Trust staff and the ATF’s Technical Officer Claire Harkin, were invited to attend to share their knowledge and experience. The aim was to promote a collaborative professional network to further the positive impact on ancient and veteran tree (AVT) conservation of the group.
It was a great day with all members of the group sharing their experiences openly in the true spirit of putting the conservation of AVTs before any competitive and commercial interests.
The world of AVT management is a rare industry where most of those involved place their primary focus on achieving the best outcomes for AVTs, far ahead of personal and commercial interests. Those involved in the industry know they are never going to get rich saving trees, but that is not why we do it! Conserving vitally important AVT trees and their associated biodiversity, thus making a hugely important contribution to the conservation of our planet’s remaining ecosystems, is, across the board, a primary shared goal.